meditation therapy

Meditation therapy is another term for meditation wellness which enhances mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual health through dedicated practice. Start by noticing the breath in a seated position and when you feel comfortable yet alert, listen to your thoughts and train them to return to the present.

Recordings of my guided meditations are also available on Spotify and Insight Timer.

Emily Kosciuk Emily Kosciuk

Posture Meditation

In my final presentation for Meditation Teacher Training, I designed a guided meditation about the beauty of posture, including a chest opening warm-up, anatomical understanding, and visualizations of balancing stones.

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Emily Kosciuk Emily Kosciuk

Palm Contemplation

When I open my palms, I see my life’s many chapters. In this Palm Contemplation, I meditate on the layers of my skin, its sensory acuteness, and the transferring of light spirit. With clear crystal quartz tumbles, I connect to feelings of gratitude, gentleness, and crystalized energy within my hands.

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Emily Kosciuk Emily Kosciuk

Spa With Me Meditation

I’ve noticed that my thoughts differ when I meditate in a sauna vs an ice room. In this meditation, I visualize going through different spa spaces, tuning into my body, and sharing subtle characteristics in tension-releasing, mental shifts, and energetic qualities.

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Emily Kosciuk Emily Kosciuk

Sauna Cycle Meditation

A sauna cycle is a temperature circuit to destress and invigorate the body. From heat to cold, and then rest, hydrotherapy spas provide many options to customize your spa and meditation experience.

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Emily Kosciuk Emily Kosciuk

Self-Love Meditation

With the theme of love and worthiness, this meditation explores different ways for the mind and body to connect to a stronger sense of value. From words of affirmation, symbolism, and guided visualization, this is an introduction to a life-long journey of you being you.

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Emily Kosciuk Emily Kosciuk

Sensing Crystals

Sensing crystal energy has been a new practice for me. I have always enjoyed their company and now with meditation, I’m learning to sense their spark, visualize their energy, and open my mind to interpreting their messages.

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Emily Kosciuk Emily Kosciuk

Midnight Rain Meditation

Meditating under the rain in my car creates a special acoustical experience. I feel snug, safe, and protected in its sacred whimsical space. For this meditation recording, I share the steps my mind goes through during meditation, from ruminating in the Default Mode Network to reminders of worthiness to radiating positive energy. 

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Emily Kosciuk Emily Kosciuk

Astrid Meditation

What’s the difference between listening to relaxing music while lying down versus sitting up? I experimented with this morning’s meditation and found subtle yet fulfilling benefits to simply sitting up.

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Emily Kosciuk Emily Kosciuk

Opening to the Magic

For a time, my experience with an auto-immune disease thwarted my life into cyclical mental, emotional, and physical pain. I’ve found that meditation, even short sessions, helps me rid of past traumas. Instead of holding on to a story of suffering, I can practice letting go and opening to the magic of each day.

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Emily Kosciuk Emily Kosciuk

Wall Meditation

Recordings from my phone sounded like a ham radio so I got a fancy mic and now the sound quality induces a more relaxing audio experience. I was inspired to record an informal and easygoing meditation as if I was guiding a friend to a silent retreat.

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Emily Kosciuk Emily Kosciuk

Facial at a Beauty School

Northridge, CA
A facial at a beauty school provided an opportunity to learn about being an esthetician, relax and practice meditation, and chat with a wonderful person who knows how to heal my mind, body, and spirit through chemistry, massage, and genuine friendliness.

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Emily Kosciuk Emily Kosciuk

My Meditation Journey

Meditation is 100% personal. I hear some people say they don’t see the benefit so why bother? After 10 years of trying to understand meditation, I see where you’re coming from. I’ve also experienced some of life’s toughest challenges and I wanted to share that meditation has truly helped me and blessed me with more of life’s beauty.

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Emily Kosciuk Emily Kosciuk

Metta at the Mall

Metta Meditation is a conscious effort to practice compassion for others. This can be a dedicated silent meditation or one that you carry as you walk about your day. Setting yourself up to send love to all people, animals, and insects around you actually comes back to you and brighten your mood. This is why it is also known as the Loving-Kindness meditation.

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Emily Kosciuk Emily Kosciuk

Why I’m Studying to be a Meditation Teacher

Today is my first day of Meditation Teacher Training and I’m pretty beside myself, feeling excited, renewed, present, social, and settled. For eight weeks I’ll share things I’ve learned to practice talking about the art and science of mindfulness.

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Emily Kosciuk Emily Kosciuk

Meditated in a Salt Cave

Santa Barbara, CA
The floors of Himalayan salt crushed under my feet as I explored the underground cave of pink boulders. For 45 min I laid back, listened to the meditative music, and calmly inhaled the room’s fine salt particles. I couldn’t decide if I wanted to keep my eyes closed to zone out or look around as the amber light was just as soothing.

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Emily Kosciuk Emily Kosciuk

Time Changes When I Float

When I float for an hour, it feels like two but looking back, it's as though I simply took care of myself with a shower and a nap in the span of half an hour.

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Emily Kosciuk Emily Kosciuk

The Pineal Gland

Centered within the brain, this light-sensing organ plays a vital role in our circadian rhythm, memory, and perhaps a connection to our higher self.

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Emily Kosciuk Emily Kosciuk


Different activities at the spa, from chatting with friends, relaxing, meditating, and floating affect our brainwaves. Studying brainwaves can map out what the brain is doing throughout the day and help us understand the higher potential within our brain.

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Emily Kosciuk Emily Kosciuk

Types of Brain Scans

The brain is a marvelously complex puzzle that is researched to unveil a better understanding of health, wellness, and the human condition. Meditation is a powerful practice of connecting to the mind and research has discovered many positive links. Before we dive into research, this post outlines the technology neuroscientists use to read the brain.

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