Why I’m Studying to be a Meditation Teacher

My first day at the Mindry Meditation Teacher Training was pretty great. I felt very welcomed into a warm and bubbly community.

With a small class of ten, it feels safe to share our experiences, perspectives, and ideas. My classmates have backgrounds in therapy, yoga teaching, and other wellness modalities.

Some want to learn meditation teaching to enhance their wellness careers, bring meditation to other parts of the US, or work on themselves through devotional practice.

Why do I want to learn to be a meditation teacher? Meditation has not only helped me with anxiety and depression but cultivated a richer relationship with myself. I’ve noticed that I’m continually discovering more about my potential, letting go of limiting beliefs, and becoming fully myself.

With eight weeks of classes, we will cover a great deal. I look forward to learning about how meditation affects the nervous system and stress-related diseases like Crohn’s. I can feel that there is a need for holding space and maybe Spa Research can contribute in its own way.

In today’s class we learned about the history of meditation, how it spread to western society, and demystified some common misconceptions.

Keep in mind:

  • There is no right, wrong, or perfect way to meditate

  • Meditation is not ceasing all thoughts but building a relationship with our mind

  • We’re not required to be spiritual or religious to be still and breathe

  • Meditation is not skirting responsibilities but shifting how we participate in life

  • Meditation is not only for when we’re stressed but can be a tool for creativity, activism, and progress

  • Truth is, meditation doesn’t always feel good but because it helps us experience our wide range of emotions, its worth it

The class concluded with a 45 min guided meditation and instead of calming my internal dialogue, I listened to how the instructor guided us to relaxation, self-awareness, and presence.

After class, I spent a moment with the ocean. I brought my notebook on my mini-hike but all I could write was “I had a great class. This is exactly what I wanted”. I enjoy the learning environment and felt pretty blissed out as you can see. Surrounded by the swoosh of the winds and the sounds of the waves, I noticed how good I felt. I savored that moment and embody that happiness as I ventured home to eat, read, and blog.

January 13, 2023


Metta at the Mall


Meditated in a Salt Cave