The Pineal Gland

The Pineal Gland is a light-sensing organ that regulates your body’s sense of time. It receives light from the retinas in our eyes, and depending on the amount of light coming through, the Pineal Gland produces melatonin to help us fall asleep. It also is responsible for the production of other essential hormones from daily functions to monthly such as menstrual cycles. During the day, it produces serotonin which is responsible for the feeling of happiness and satisfaction.

A depletion in serotonin is linked to anxiety and depression, and further depletion in other important hormones can cause several dysfunctions and can lead to neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. A poorly functioning spinal gland is due to calcification which is when calcium deposits build up in the surrounding tissues, causing them to harden.

There are many perspectives on how to decalcify the Pineal Gland including nutrition, fluoride filtration, and energy work.


This tiny gland is in a unique location in the center of our brain.
It has a pinecone shape, symbolizing a seed for new ideas and a connection to trees and nature. It represents durability, propagation, and graceful blossoming.

A tiny seed in our brain that senses daylight perhaps can also sense sacred light and be a link to enlightenment.

There is also research on the Pineal Gland’s release of DMT, a biological psychedelic. In meditation and breathing practices, Taoist Master and Wim Hof share natural ways to produce DMT.

In Indian culture, the Pineal Gland is commonly called the “third eye” because the space between our eyebrows is the place where the soul resides. It’s the 6th Chakra and its symbol is with two petals, symbolizing the two hemispheres of our brain.

The Pineal Gland can be understood as your organ that senses spiritual connection, energy source, self-awareness, higher self, God, and the soul.


December 2, 2022


Time Changes When I Float

