• An energetic cleanse has to do with your mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual energy and how they relate to the energy of the environment. By working on clearing your energy from negative influences, patterns, and situations, the extra layer of self-confidence will help strengthen your personal protection from others draining your energy.

    Practice daily meditation to check in with your energy and align it with a higher power. 15 minutes in the morning or a 60 min float helps return your energy as your priority. Include energetic visualizations like body scans, chakra colors, or personal symbolisms.

    Experiment with tech, sound, and energy therapies to provide alternate perspectives. Move your energy around to help shake out old stagnant energy with dance, fab, and crystal therapies. A good detox can help as a literal energetic cleanse. Go for an appointment in hydrotherapy, sauna therapy, or skin therapy, and notice how your energy differs through each type of cleanse.

  • Relaxing, meditative, and creative therapies can help with creative block. Start with a moment with the mind. Try a meditation practice to listen to the passing thoughts and journal to help organize your various lists and ideas. An hour of meditation or floating has been shown to cultivate creative thinking and stabilize emotional intelligence for efficient execution.

    Experiment with other creative therapies to get the juices flowing. Put on some music, dance around, or create something with different tools than you’re used to. Moving the body with dance can also include energy and crystal therapies that could help spark your intentions.

    Sometimes a-ha moments come during times of doing something else. Take a break and practice self-love by going out to nature, going to a spa, or taking a nap.

  • Manifestation starts with knowing what you want and an honest way to know is to listen to your soul through meditation. Start a short morning routine, a long evening meditation, or something completely your own. Other relaxations like float or hydrotherapy strengthen this feeling of self-worth that attracts what you’re manifesting.

    The interesting thing about manifestation is that you get to decide what you want and a clear way to document its growth is with lit therapy. Start by noticing what your life is like now, what you have, and what you’re grateful for then script your desires. Each time you write down your past, present, and future, you’re seeing your own manifestation.

    As you start to notice your foundation routines and mini manifestations, introduce therapies that interest you like halo, tech, or crystal therapy, and note any improvements.

    Gratitude for your manifestation can be expressed in dance, fab, or art therapy which helps solidify your progress and attracts more joy to grow from.

  • To feel rejuvenated is best approached with attention to healing the mind, body, and spirit. Many therapies help alleviate certain areas of the mind and body but I find that the most cleansing, refining, and rejuvenating is hydrotherapy. Water therapy washes away dirt and grime and also cleanses the energetic body. Going through sauna cycles of hot, cold, and rest creates circulation and helps detoxify unnecessary waste. Hydrotherapy actively boosts feel-good hormones like dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, and endorphins. Giving your body a moment to rest in a quiet and distraction-free environment helps clear the clutter in the mind and brings a gentle smile to the face.

    Rejuvenation can be achieved at different levels, experiment with tech, float, and energy therapy and to cultivate a regular level of rejuvenation, implement a daily meditation practice. Even a short 5-15 minutes a day will restore the mind and body.

    Self-expression can also help enliven a sense of rejuvenation. Try art, dance, music, and fab therapy to feed the soul.

  • awakening third eye
    letting go of conscious thought
    gamma brainwaves lucid

    A way I try to describe what awakening my third eye feels like is like a concentration of energy between my eyebrows, like a throbbing pressure under the skin. With my eyes closed, I lower my gaze, shoulders, and alertness, and the vastness of the dark begins to present impressions of expansive light fields, my community blocks away, and memories of deep meditation.

    Visualizations and ideas from astral projection are uniquely different for each individual, like a dream, it weaves memories, philosophies, and epiphanies from the subconscious.

    I find that the most wonderous journeys come from a clear mind and healthy emotional state and this takes practice. I suggest a daily meditation and the longer the better so try float therapy to also remove sensory distractions. To remove further emotional, energetic, or physical baggage, let go with nature, music, and dance therapy.

    With any special life experience like astral projection, document the journey with lit or art therapy, and soon you’ll be talking with the stars, your higher self, or a power greater than you can imagine.