float therapy

A float is a shallow pool filled 10 inches with warm water and more than 1,000 pounds of Epsom salt that keeps you effortlessly buoyant without wrinkling your fingers. The Epsom salt relaxes your muscles and in a space that's quiet with an option for complete darkness or cool lighting, research finds that floating improves sleep, strengthens cognitive performance, and reduces symptoms of chronic fatigue.

Emily Kosciuk Emily Kosciuk

God moments

God moments can be routine, random, intentional, or awesome and can provide many therapeutic benefits. There are different types of God moments when we appreciate the beauty of living. God moments can be found in any meaningful moment and are worth collecting, experiencing, and feeling a rich gratitude.

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Emily Kosciuk Emily Kosciuk

My Hair Story

My hair story shares what I was going through, what happened to my body, and how I’m healing. Losing my hair turned out to be a lesson in listening and creating a path to healing, starting with a dedication to meditation, float therapy, and spa research.

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Emily Kosciuk Emily Kosciuk

Museum Before a Float

Los Angeles, CA
Art displayed in a spacious environment can cleanse your spirit from the mundane and groom your float for a journey rich in expression and grounded in dignified energy.

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Emily Kosciuk Emily Kosciuk

Burning Man

Black Rock City, NV
A float is a lot like Burning Man, and in many ways can continue its free-wheelin’ fun times into our regular society. Let your float whisk you to creative possibilities that may soon come to life in this city-wide party.

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Emily Kosciuk Emily Kosciuk

100 hr practice

Try floating for a good chunk of time. The benefits certainly increase with regular practice.

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Emily Kosciuk Emily Kosciuk

fMRI Scans After a Float

Different areas of the brain respond when we float. In a 2021 study, Taking the Body Off the Mind and video summary, Dr. Feinstein explains that the darker lines in the above image signify a stronger disconnect between areas. This suggests that when we float, our brain is not working tirelessly to map our sense of self but does so by reducing stimulations within the brain.

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Emily Kosciuk Emily Kosciuk

Guiding First Time Floaters

If there are too many unknowns about floating, you might not try it all together. When I worked at a float spa, I guided hundreds of first-time floaters with great success. So for the newbies out there, I’ve put together some tips to help you on your way.

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Emily Kosciuk Emily Kosciuk

The Many Benefits of Salt Therapy

What is Halotherapy? Why is floating in Epsom saltwater so beneficial? And what does drinking Pink Himalayan saltwater do for the body? Here, I've researched the many wellness uses of salt, highlighting its mineral properties to understand how it can improve digestion, muscle, skin, respiratory, bone, brain, and heart health.

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Emily Kosciuk Emily Kosciuk

Float Membership at Float Lab

Los Angeles, CA
If a spa day is too much of a life of leisure, then a float is an efficient way to fit relaxing into a busy schedule. Not only will you be able to experience the tranquil qualities of stillness, peace, and solitude, the rejuvenation is so intense, it will last longer than you’d expect.

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Emily Kosciuk Emily Kosciuk

Time Changes When I Float

When I float for an hour, it feels like two but looking back, it's as though I simply took care of myself with a shower and a nap in the span of half an hour.

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Emily Kosciuk Emily Kosciuk

There are Happy Chemicals in a Float?

Yes, there are, not floating in the water but activated in us when we float. Oxytocin, Serotonin, Dopamine, and Endorphins are happy chemicals that balance our body’s functions and bring us the feeling of joy.

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Emily Kosciuk Emily Kosciuk

How a Float Boosts Our Defense Against COVID-19

When one starts to feel tired and run down, the body’s defense system weakens, allowing any virus to overcome it. Floating in salt water is designed to prevent this effect and with undulating cases of COVID-19, it’s wise to be ultra preventative.

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Emily Kosciuk Emily Kosciuk

The Secret to Record-Breaking may be in the Float Tank

Stephen Curry carries the record for most 3-point field goals made (3PM) in the NBA and attributes much of his success to his practice in float therapy. Along with elaborate dribbling drills, Curry is not afraid to experiment with innovative training technologies.

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Emily Kosciuk Emily Kosciuk

Design Your Dream Home - and Life!

Plan your future house by envisioning spaces that are customized to your ideals of comfortable living. Sensory deprivation tanks provide a unique opportunity that’s free of distractions and allows you to practice visualization. When you reach stillness, the Epsom salt relaxes your muscles while your mind focuses on processing information, weighing decisions, and considering your dreams.

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Emily Kosciuk Emily Kosciuk

Add a Float to Your Weekend in Seattle

If you’re planning a weekend in Seattle for the first or zillionth time, consider this museum-hopping tour to fully explore what Seattle has to offer in educational entertainment, pioneering innovation, and affordable wellness.

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Emily Kosciuk Emily Kosciuk

Tour at Soak Float Center

Salem, OR
Soak provides three float tanks and three spacious cabins in an immaculately clean and serenely calm facility where the owner keeps the prices affordable for his valued customers.

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Emily Kosciuk Emily Kosciuk

Halotherapy at Aqua Float

Happy Valley, OR
Imagine sitting in a full body massage chair that's situated amongst glowing Himalayan salt bricks where you breathe in a fine dusting of pure ancient healing salt to restore your respiratory system.

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Emily Kosciuk Emily Kosciuk

Float at the Float Shoppe

Portland, OR
The B&B of float spas where the beds are a choice of four different types of float tanks and the breakfasts are kombucha kits to be enjoyed with community events, local artists, or a relaxing foot bath.

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