music therapy

Sound therapy is any audio that creates a relaxing experience including music, ambient sound, or silence. It also includes having fun making music, it's freeing and relieves the soul.

Emily Kosciuk Emily Kosciuk

favorite tv intros

Making playlists is great fun, it has art, tech, and music therapy wrapped in one. I wasn’t expecting it to have any therapeutic benefit but this topic created a specific venn diagram of music and video content that struck chords in nostalgia, self-realization, and emotional healing. Favorite tv intros are specific enough to cut the fat from popular opinion and get down to the intros that spark joy in relaxing and watching tv.

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Emily Kosciuk Emily Kosciuk

Prema Yoga

Granada Hills, CA

Prema Yoga in Granada Hills, CA offers different types of yoga classes including hath, vinyasa, kundalini, and yin. Other classes specialized in energetic and physical healing such as urban zen, meditation, yoga nidra, and spine health. I would recommend their studio for those who want to try a variety of yoga styles taught by educated and spiritually-minded instructors.

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Emily Kosciuk Emily Kosciuk

2024 Conscious Life Expo (3 of 3)

Los Angeles, CA

The way that we want to make the expo more successful and a better place is a reflection of how we want to make the world more successful and a better place. With music, dance, art, and dog therapy, the good vibes just keep on coming.

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Emily Kosciuk Emily Kosciuk

Hall of Healing

The Hall of Healing at the Los Angeles Conscious Life Expo are specialized rooms for concentrated technologies to enhance a meditation experience. This year I’ll be working in these spaces and in this introductory blog post, I’m sharing what they have to offer, what to expect, and how to be emotionally and spiritually prepared. At first glance, the event descriptions sound esoteric and distant but these healing modalities are essentially wellness paths to feelings of love and expansion.

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Emily Kosciuk Emily Kosciuk

Charging Crystals at a DJ Set

Los Angeles, CA
I didn’t go to see Ross From Friends with the intention of charging my pocket crystals but after a night of all-encompassing vibrations in a space packed with nice people, the next day I noticed a difference in the crystals that I had in my clutch. When I go out dancing, I prefer to drink soda water and wear earplugs so my kind of hangover is more like some really sore legs and discovering these positively charged crystals.

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Emily Kosciuk Emily Kosciuk

From Music to Memories

Since music is processed and stored in multiple parts of the brain, especially our memory, there is a strong and special connection to the importance of music in each of our lives. In patients with Alzheimer’s disease, studies have linked listening to music with stronger memory recall, proving music therapy to help heal emotional traumas, self-expression, and the feeling of joy.

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Emily Kosciuk Emily Kosciuk

Singing Bowl Physics

Made of a metal alloy or quartz crystal, singing bowls are sacred instruments for meditation, contemplation, and healing. We can visualize the physics behind their healing abilities, map their vibrational patterns, and notice how we feel from their psycho-acoustic therapeutic qualities.

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Emily Kosciuk Emily Kosciuk

Astrid Meditation

What’s the difference between listening to relaxing music while lying down versus sitting up? I experimented with this morning’s meditation and found subtle yet fulfilling benefits to simply sitting up.

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