meditation therapy

Meditation therapy is another term for meditation wellness which enhances mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual health through dedicated practice. Start by noticing the breath in a seated position and when you feel comfortable yet alert, listen to your thoughts and train them to return to the present.

Recordings of my guided meditations are also available on Spotify and Insight Timer.

Emily Kosciuk Emily Kosciuk

Towel Meditation

A towel meditation draws healing benefits from nature therapy, meditation therapy, energy therapy, beauty therapy, hydrotherapy, and sauna therapy. Simply lay in the sun, protect your skin, stay hydrated, and activate cod mode.

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Emily Kosciuk Emily Kosciuk

Cushion Cover

Between breakfastes, I made a cushion cover from a well loved blanket of grass for meditation, prayer, and garden gazing.

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Emily Kosciuk Emily Kosciuk

Language Tracker

Learning a language opens opportunities for self expression and new cultures. It’s a Lit Therapy that expands my brain and builds my identity. Part of the fun is tailoring my learning style and tacking my progress. The process of creating a relaxing learning hobby enriches my life with mental, physical, and social benefits.

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Emily Kosciuk Emily Kosciuk

God moments

God moments can be routine, random, intentional, or awesome and can provide many therapeutic benefits. There are different types of God moments when we appreciate the beauty of living. God moments can be found in any meaningful moment and are worth collecting, experiencing, and feeling a rich gratitude.

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Emily Kosciuk Emily Kosciuk

Upgrading My Dental Care

During lockdown, my filling fell out and I’ve neglected to go to the dentist since. The other day I experienced severe tooth pain and made an appointment the next day. My dentist taught me a lot about what that pain was, how I could mitigate it, and the next steps to upgrading my dental care. 

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Emily Kosciuk Emily Kosciuk

My Modular Garden

There’s something magical about gardening that makes it so therapeutic for me. It’s a peaceful pastime that provides fresh air, cool shade, lovely fragrances, and sometimes food. Plants can be beautiful, resilient, and full of life. Over the past five years, I’ve had several seasons of caring for different kinds of gardens like indoor plants in colder weather, outdoor plants in warmer climates, and maintaining a garden for my pet snails wherever I go. The microecology for a modular garden is a science, an art, and an energetic connection.

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Emily Kosciuk Emily Kosciuk

ME | CA 11

In 2011, I took a solo train trip from Portland, Maine to Los Angeles, California. It took four days and the path went to Boston, MA, west to Chicago, IL, south to San Antonio, TX, and west to Los Angeles. Traveling can provide many wellness benefits. For me, it’s part art therapy, meditation therapy, and nature therapy. Looking back at my photos taken with my first DSLR, a Canon Rebel XSi, reminds me of how I used to capture the natural beauty around me.

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Emily Kosciuk Emily Kosciuk

Coastal Meditation

Naps, waves, and surfers. The southern California coast is a wonderful spot to rest, meditate, and enjoy hydrotherapy from the immense beauty of the Pacific Ocean

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Emily Kosciuk Emily Kosciuk

Japanese Gardens

Van Nuys, CA

Japanese Gardens have a long history of implementing specific design principles to achieve contemplation and contentment. I volunteered at a Japanese Buddhist temple where I enjoyed the meditation of gardening, focusing on one task, and removing waste to reveal beauty. Other Japanese gardens in Los Angeles are famous due to the influence of Dr. Koichi Kawana. At the Suiho En Japanese Garden in Van Nuys, his design reflects a calm space where we can focus on the beauty of both nature and our lives.

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Emily Kosciuk Emily Kosciuk

Church Color Therapy

Los Angeles, CA

There are a variety of colors in places of worship and can be seen as a version of color therapy. Design choices include stained glass, colored walls and fabrics, gold-plated objects, flowers, and lighting. Aside from the presence of God, gratitude, and thanksgiving, the lighting perhaps played a role in wellness, release of tension, and enlightenment.

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Emily Kosciuk Emily Kosciuk

Church Drawings

I spent some time last season studying the beauty of sacred spaces like churches, cathedrals, monasteries, and temples. The practice of drawing helps me understand the design decisions made for spaces dedicated to the glory of God. Drawing not only strengthens these skills but creates a meditation as I zone out and simply draw.

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Emily Kosciuk Emily Kosciuk

Prema Yoga

Granada Hills, CA

Prema Yoga in Granada Hills, CA offers different types of yoga classes including hath, vinyasa, kundalini, and yin. Other classes specialized in energetic and physical healing such as urban zen, meditation, yoga nidra, and spine health. I would recommend their studio for those who want to try a variety of yoga styles taught by educated and spiritually-minded instructors.

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Emily Kosciuk Emily Kosciuk

2024 Conscious Life Expo (2 of 3)

Los Angeles, CA

After the second day, I had a slow evening with a hotel version of hydrotherapy. I drew a warm bath accompanied by tea, raspberries, and my little church of the Conscious Life Expo.

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Emily Kosciuk Emily Kosciuk

My Hair Story

My hair story shares what I was going through, what happened to my body, and how I’m healing. Losing my hair turned out to be a lesson in listening and creating a path to healing, starting with a dedication to meditation, float therapy, and spa research.

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Emily Kosciuk Emily Kosciuk

Hall of Healing

The Hall of Healing at the Los Angeles Conscious Life Expo are specialized rooms for concentrated technologies to enhance a meditation experience. This year I’ll be working in these spaces and in this introductory blog post, I’m sharing what they have to offer, what to expect, and how to be emotionally and spiritually prepared. At first glance, the event descriptions sound esoteric and distant but these healing modalities are essentially wellness paths to feelings of love and expansion.

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Emily Kosciuk Emily Kosciuk

Prayer Beads

Prayer beads are a system of tracking prayers, chants, or scriptures to bring us into a contemplative mindset and become aware of the greatness of life, God, or enlightenment. Each religion has a plethora of resources and with the average of scholarly publications, I aim to paint a broad perspective on the multiple uses of prayer beads so that we can learn from other religions and maybe incorporate aspects into our prayer practice.

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Emily Kosciuk Emily Kosciuk

Singing Bowl Physics

Made of a metal alloy or quartz crystal, singing bowls are sacred instruments for meditation, contemplation, and healing. We can visualize the physics behind their healing abilities, map their vibrational patterns, and notice how we feel from their psycho-acoustic therapeutic qualities.

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Emily Kosciuk Emily Kosciuk

Reiki Attunement

As an initiation to becoming a Reiki Healer, I went through a long-distance attunement session. I expected it to be a nice meditation but it did much more than that. I felt it healed my restless body, softened my beautiful hands, and reminded me of my energetic potential.

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Emily Kosciuk Emily Kosciuk

Design Your Dream Home - and Life!

Plan your future house by envisioning spaces that are customized to your ideals of comfortable living. Sensory deprivation tanks provide a unique opportunity that’s free of distractions and allows you to practice visualization. When you reach stillness, the Epsom salt relaxes your muscles while your mind focuses on processing information, weighing decisions, and considering your dreams.

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Emily Kosciuk Emily Kosciuk

The Secret to Record-Breaking may be in the Float Tank

Stephen Curry carries the record for most 3-point field goals made (3PM) in the NBA and attributes much of his success to his practice in float therapy. Along with elaborate dribbling drills, Curry is not afraid to experiment with innovative training technologies.

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