• Anxiety can be underlying or paralyzing, heart throbbing, gut-wrenching, irrational fear. When professional attention is required, there are options but if you’re interested in safe alternative therapies, there are many to experiment with to see if they help.

    Listening to what the mind needs is a good start. A meditation practice helps organize the busy mind and guides it to become aware of the body and how it is feeling in the present moment. A short daily meditation at the beginning of the day will help calm the heart rate and help the nervous system feel prepared for the day ahead. Float therapy is proven to reduce anxiety. Longer appointments in silence like a float for an hour in the evening will help strengthen the practice even further.

    Resting options for the mind and body include hydrotherapy, energy therapy, and halotherapy. These environments are designed to be calm, serene, and clear of overstimulation. Experiment with tech therapy or find self-expression in art, dance, and fab therapy.

    A short evening practice with lit, sound, and crystal therapy can help remind you of your personal strength.

  • Depression is a heavy battle to beat. The body feels sluggish like it’s made of cement, energy is drained, and the mind feels clouded and empty at the same time. Depression can be so evasive that you forget who you are, all your accomplishments, and your true potential. With a fatigued body like this, a safe and easy therapy to try is a meditation practice but to overcome a mental dilemma, the challenge is in mental perseverance.

    Float therapy also provides a safe space to practice listening and reassuring the mind. Surrounded by Epsom salt, the body relaxes and feels weightless, and since it’s devoid of stimulations, one hour of floating yields more benefits than expected. Try different time intervals with other therapies such as tech, halo, energy, and even crystal. Experiment to see what remedy naturally boosts your endorphins.

    Self-expression might help visualize the emotions that can get stuck in mental loops. Try art and lit therapy and don’t be afraid to release what’s on your mind.

    Relaxing therapies like hydrotherapy, sound therapy, and skin therapy like an appointment with a facialist can help reset your mood and remind you of your beautiful soul.

  • The body needs sleep but sometimes there’s an imbalance of mental activity or physical energy that inhibits a good night’s rest. There are many therapies that help ease the body and mind to regain its needed balance.

    Organize and rest the mind with meditation and float therapy. While stilling the mind, the nervous system relaxes, activating the vegas nerve to release hormones for rest, digestion, and healing. Specific meditation practices like Yoga Nidra, introduce a practice called progressive muscle relaxation that helps reconnect the body to a zoned-out state.

    If your energy is more alert, move the body with dance therapy, or try a new hobby dedicated to self-expression like fab, lit, or art therapy. Experiment with subtler therapies such as soma wave, halo, and therapy rooms at a hydrotherapy spa which all have their unique qualities that may help the mind and body return to a healthy sleeping cycle.

  • Ways to focus the mind stem from a mastery of mental control. To help organize a busy mind, start with a meditation or float practice. With a routine exercise in acknowledging how the mind naturally is, practice bringing your attention to the present by listing to your breath or becoming aware of bodily presence.

    Research has found that floating sets the mind in a theta brain state which is optimal for achieving mental clarity and bodily healing. Float meditators have shared that after a float, they feel organized and prepared to write and the words feel like a natural flow.

    Meditation also helps the brain learn faster and retain information longer since there are fewer emotional distractions. Experiment with tech, crystal, and energy therapy to train the mind to be present and absorb information.

  • Gratitude produces endorphins, creating a wonderful and relaxing sensation. To implement more of a state of gratitude, there are therapies to relax your body and bring the mind to the present to enhance your lifestyle. Meditation, float, and energy therapy align the mind with a spiritual connection, bringing in a reminder that there is a wonderful energy greater than the known universe that has gifted us the experience of life.

    Other relaxing therapies help relieve tension and give us the mental space to remember our worth. Try an evening at a hydrotherapy spa with tubs, therapy rooms, and lounges. Move your energy with dance, crystals, and a walk in nature. Look around and ponder the beauty that ignites you. This practice is like a mirror to the wonders of the soul.

    Practicing lit therapy is a rich cultivation of gratitude. Journal what’s on your mind and after a while, you’ll grow excited about writing your dream life. There are many journal clubs and gratitude prompts to help uncover your natural appreciation for life.