nature therapy

Humans are nature and reconnecting to its universal qualities has healing right in it. From hikes to hot springs, beaches to gardens, Spa Research is aimed at relaxing experiences for our health. Maybe your nature therapy is getting some fresh air, carving through canyons, or star gazing.

Emily Kosciuk Emily Kosciuk

Towel Meditation

A towel meditation draws healing benefits from nature therapy, meditation therapy, energy therapy, beauty therapy, hydrotherapy, and sauna therapy. Simply lay in the sun, protect your skin, stay hydrated, and activate cod mode.

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Emily Kosciuk Emily Kosciuk

Cushion Cover

Between breakfastes, I made a cushion cover from a well loved blanket of grass for meditation, prayer, and garden gazing.

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Emily Kosciuk Emily Kosciuk

Charming Eucalyptus

From traditional uses in spas to medical discoveries, a bouquet of Eucalyptus provides many physical, mental, emotional, and environmental benefits. Something so simple as putting Eucalyptus leaves in your shower helps with respiratory, skin, and muscle health and can protect you from harmful bacteria. It's like a really beneficial decoration and it happened to be beautiful, plentiful, store-bought, safe, and simple, how charming is that?

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Emily Kosciuk Emily Kosciuk

God moments

God moments can be routine, random, intentional, or awesome and can provide many therapeutic benefits. There are different types of God moments when we appreciate the beauty of living. God moments can be found in any meaningful moment and are worth collecting, experiencing, and feeling a rich gratitude.

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Emily Kosciuk Emily Kosciuk

My Modular Garden

There’s something magical about gardening that makes it so therapeutic for me. It’s a peaceful pastime that provides fresh air, cool shade, lovely fragrances, and sometimes food. Plants can be beautiful, resilient, and full of life. Over the past five years, I’ve had several seasons of caring for different kinds of gardens like indoor plants in colder weather, outdoor plants in warmer climates, and maintaining a garden for my pet snails wherever I go. The microecology for a modular garden is a science, an art, and an energetic connection.

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Emily Kosciuk Emily Kosciuk

ME | CA 11

In 2011, I took a solo train trip from Portland, Maine to Los Angeles, California. It took four days and the path went to Boston, MA, west to Chicago, IL, south to San Antonio, TX, and west to Los Angeles. Traveling can provide many wellness benefits. For me, it’s part art therapy, meditation therapy, and nature therapy. Looking back at my photos taken with my first DSLR, a Canon Rebel XSi, reminds me of how I used to capture the natural beauty around me.

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Emily Kosciuk Emily Kosciuk

Los Angeles Flower District

Los Angeles, CA

Downtown Los Angeles has a popular flower district, known for their bouquets, orchids, succulents, and indoor plants. Shops are also home to lots of cats, and chill cats mean good vibes.

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Emily Kosciuk Emily Kosciuk

Coastal Meditation

Naps, waves, and surfers. The southern California coast is a wonderful spot to rest, meditate, and enjoy hydrotherapy from the immense beauty of the Pacific Ocean

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Emily Kosciuk Emily Kosciuk

Japanese Gardens

Van Nuys, CA

Japanese Gardens have a long history of implementing specific design principles to achieve contemplation and contentment. I volunteered at a Japanese Buddhist temple where I enjoyed the meditation of gardening, focusing on one task, and removing waste to reveal beauty. Other Japanese gardens in Los Angeles are famous due to the influence of Dr. Koichi Kawana. At the Suiho En Japanese Garden in Van Nuys, his design reflects a calm space where we can focus on the beauty of both nature and our lives.

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Emily Kosciuk Emily Kosciuk

ebb & flow - chinatown

Los Angeles, CA

The Heidi Duckler Dance Company is a site-specific contemporary and post-modern dance group that performs all around Los Angeles. I attended their annual performance in the park called ebb & flow, this season at the Los Angeles State Historic Park near Chinatown.

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Emily Kosciuk Emily Kosciuk

New Year Tradition 2024

Los Angeles, CA

Grand Spa in K-town, a 24-hour women’s only spa, great for soaking, sweating, and rejuvenating for the new year. Before the spa, I stopped by Porto’s and the Griffith Observatory with Stirbee.

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Emily Kosciuk Emily Kosciuk

Levitating at Docweiler Beach

Playa Del Rey, CA
I held these crystals while I meditated and noticed a subtle yet liberating feeling. It’s one thing to learn that certain crystals contribute certain energetic properties, it’s a whole other thing to feel it for myself.

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Emily Kosciuk Emily Kosciuk

Amethyst Meditation by a Creek

Pacific Palisades, CA
An afternoon hike, hopping from rock to rock along a creek on the Santa Ynez Canyon Trail, included a meditation with one of my favorite amethyst crystals.

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Emily Kosciuk Emily Kosciuk

Topanga Rocks

Topanga, CA
A crystal shop in the heart of winding canyons, Topanga Rocks has meditating statues, a trickling waterfall, and giant crystals that inspire me to design a fantasy landscape with nature’s gifts.

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Emily Kosciuk Emily Kosciuk

Orcutt Ranch

West Hills, CA
I was on my way to a trailhead when I passed by Orcutt Ranch, a public garden, event space, and orchard. I’m glad I landed on this detour because I got a chance to meditate and absorb this peaceful atmosphere of citrus mist.

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Emily Kosciuk Emily Kosciuk

Beach Meditation

Malibu, CA
An afternoon at the spacious Zuma beach, listening to the waves, sitting with seagulls, and watching the passing cats clean up debris contributed to a peaceful beach meditation.

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Emily Kosciuk Emily Kosciuk

A Weekend at Malibu Beach

Malibu, CA
Each day this weekend before Meditation Teacher Training at the Mindry, I wandered around Malibu’s pockets of nature. I was able to meditate at a lagoon with little creatures and at a quiet beach with places to explore.

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Emily Kosciuk Emily Kosciuk

Sea Snails

Malibu, CA
I found lil sea snails on the rocky shores of El Pescador State Beach. These guys were so pretty with shells in kelp green, opal iridescent, and matte blackish blue like muscles.

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Emily Kosciuk Emily Kosciuk

Cliffside Meditation

Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
Point Vicente is a secluded area in LA county with windy coastal drives, a lighthouse, and an arena for avid whale watchers. Here I enjoyed a meditation under the comfort of the overcast clouds.

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Emily Kosciuk Emily Kosciuk

Malibu Bluffs

Malibu, CA
A small park with a panoramic view, the Malibu Bluffs is a great spot to walk, enjoy the open body of water, and write.

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