How a Float Boosts Our Defense Against COVID-19

When we start to feel tired and run down, our body’s defense system weakens, allowing any virus to overcome us. Floating in salt water is designed to prevent this effect and with undulating cases of COVID-19, it’s wise to be ultra preventative.

Research is finding that an hour of floating boosts our energy and strengthens our immune system to knock out any virus that comes our way. While leveling up our wellness, floating also reduces joint pain, calms inflammation, and aids in muscle recovery. It decreases depression and anxiety, enhances cognition, and improves sleep quality, strengthening our capacity to take care of those around us.

The float experience is contactless with a private room, shower, and float pod filled 10 inches with warm water and enough Epsom salt to keep you effortlessly buoyant. The pod is quiet with lighting options and all you have to do is relax. 

A good time to go is when you’re feeling tired and stressed. However, a time when you will not be able to float is when your nose is stuffy, a cough is starting, or when you have a fever. This is when it is best to stay home and gather your home remedies. When your nose is cleared, you’re welcome to float. 

COVID-19 is very strenuous on the body and leaves you with an overall soreness. The pool with 1,000 pounds of Epsom salt relaxes sore muscles and speeds the recovery process tenfold. 

Nowadays, all establishments are implementing cautionary measures and a float spa is even more diligent. Float Seattle states that “we have an incredibly advanced filtration system installed on each of our 14 tanks, which utilizes a 1-micron filter, UV, Ozone (O3), and Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2).  Each tank filters and passes through this entire system at least 3-4 times in between floaters, and is then inspected by our staff.  Their studios also have “robust HVAC systems designed to regulate high humidity, and constantly bring in fresh air from outside”.

Floating is a safe way to keep your body healthy as the community slowly returns to its bustling routine. Sensory Deprivation is a healing technology that sounds strange but happens to be ideal for combating a global pandemic, who knew?

Bonus tip:

Sweating before a float protects your body from germs, refreshes your mind, and sets you up for more fulfilling relaxation. Thirty minutes in an infrared sauna strengthens your heart and activates your circulatory system, pumping fresh blood throughout your body. With your renewed immune system, think of how robust your defense against COVID-19 would be!


June 22, 2022


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