100 hr practice

In 2020 and 2022 I conducted a 100 hr float practice, I averaged 2 hr floats for about 3 months and started taking notes of any thoughts, feelings, and personal revelations. 

I noticed my emotional hangups, creative ideas, and physical healing. This practice enriches my self-awareness and fosters a stronger relationship with my brain. 

Until I retrieved my notebooks, blog posts about those 200+ hrs will have to wait.

For now, the following is to help readers see themselves in this practice.


For readers who

have never floated

have floated a few times

float every day

are master meditators

My first float was part of the interview process to work at a float spa and I was blown away. I worked there for about 2 years and had many wonderful conversations with guests but I rarely floated myself. Later during the pandemic, I felt I could benefit from its relaxing environment. My local float center had an intro deal of unlimited floats for a week so I decided to jump in with 2 hrs each day and see what happens. That was the start of my first 100 hr practice.

Honest, clear, and simple, a regular meditation or float routine yields stronger results. Spending time with your mind in a relaxed body is truly empowering and the more consistent you are, the better.

If you already float every day, you know what it’s like to come out of a float all blissed out and refreshed but I encourage you to extend it. For me, my mind wouldn’t quite settle until 45 mins in. Adding the extra hour took my practice from a nice nap to a spiritual, creative, and healing journey.

If you’re down to float for two hours every day, let me shake your hand! Let's walk and talk. I love brainstorming fun ideas, creative problem-solving, and waxing absurdism poetically.


November 11, 2022


Burning Man


fMRI Scans After a Float