Float Membership at Float Lab

If a spa day is too much of a life of leisure, then a float is an efficient way to fit relaxing into a busy schedule. Foat Lab provides a unique membership of 2-hour floats twice a month. Not only will you be able to experience the tranquil qualities of stillness, peace, and solitude, the rejuvenation is so intense, it will last longer than you’d expect.

Float Lab has two locations in Los Angeles, one in Venice Beach and one in Westwood near UCLA. The membership is linked to only one location and I chose the one in Westwood for its proximity to the Hammer Museum. I prefer to float in the evening so the Westwood nightlife was a better pair for my float practice.

The facility has a private entrance you have to buzz into which feels very VIP. It’s also reassuring to know there’s an extra safety barrier while you’re naked for two hours. Each float room is immaculately clean with bright-colored doors and stainless steel finishes. The staff is friendly, and understanding, and respects personal space. In fact, that’s sort of the vibe at Float Lab. There’s no tea station or stack of magazines, it’s designed to keep the chatter to a minimum in respect of other floaters.

One weird thing about the float is the end portion. Most float pods and tanks have a light or music queue that tells you went your time is up, Float Lab has its own tank design and it’s sort of old school. When the session is over, you’ll hear a series of knocks from the back of the float and you have the knock back to let them know you’re awake. At first, I felt interrupted rather than eased out of my float but after talking to the staff and sharing my feelings, it didn’t bother me as much.

I took a break from floating to research meditation at the Mindry. With classes in various kinds of meditation, I now have tools to practice while in the float tank. Before, a float meant spending time with my brain and I loved that but after learning about meditation, I discovered that there’s so much more to my brain than just thinking. Philosophies in breath meditation, visualization, and somatic awareness unlock more meaning for my existence. A float can provide an ideal environment to explore these paths.

A float membership every two weeks will help you recharge your mental, physical, and emotional batteries and your busy schedule will become more organized. Meditation tools enhance efficiency with the art of letting go of tight muscles as well as negative thought patterns, easing many layers of muscle memory.


January 4, 2023


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