inner child healing

Inner child work refers to the practice of connecting with and healing the emotional wounds and unmet needs from childhood that continue to influence our thoughts, behaviors, and relationships as adults. It involves addressing unresolved hangups, both big and small. Healing this is essential for breaking free from limiting beliefs and unhealthy patterns that can carry into adulthood.

Central to this process is cultivating self-love and self-forgiveness, allowing us to embrace ourselves with compassion while releasing the shame or guilt from past experiences. Through this work, we can reconnect with our true identity.

When I think of inner child work in the context of my music, I don’t consider the mainstream pop songs of that time. Instead, I think of the music that highlighted the quirky, niche, and often misunderstood parts of me. In this space, I am tapping into memories that reconnect me to that version of myself. Not only am I supporting my inner weirdness, but I’m also learning from it. This process feels like energetic healing, where the inner child, future self, and higher self all merge into a place of deep self-respect and trust in who I was, and still am.

This tmbg hoodie is a symbol of my inner child connection. It was my first online purchase back in 2005 and I remember the moment clearly. It was $40, and my mom asked if I was sure about wanting it as we manually punched in the debit card number on our family desktop, which sat nestled in the built-in desk in the corner of my room. This was back when I had to wait 6 to 8 weeks for shipping.

I still wear this hoodie today, and every time I do, it brings out the nerdy side of me. TMBG, being so niche, always reminds me of this part of my personality that doesn’t always fit into mainstream.

The hoodie is currently in a closet in my uncle’s spare room in Seattle. I used to not consider it of much value, even in the event of a fire. Now, as I embark on my inner child healing journey, I feel that it’s a link to the many times in my life when I was unapologetically myself, and I am grateful for it.

This hoodie represents a part of my past that I once detached from to cope with the demands of survival mode. As I continue on my healing journey, I realize that embracing these parts of myself helps me rediscover and embrace my true, authentic self.

2021 Lynnwood, WA

2008 Santa Monica, CA / credit George

2010 Surprise, AZ / credit c dog


When I was nine years old, I made a time capsule that was meant to be opened ten years later. When I finally opened it, I discovered a collection of items that reflected who I was at that time—my silliness, the things I valued, and the simple joys I wanted to preserve. I see it as a form of art, capturing the essence of my creative expression through things like my handwriting, doodles, and napkin art. The things we don’t see as valuable now are what really tell a story of history. As a museum goer, I see a time capsule as an opportunity to write a letter to my future self—a written letter and a letter of things.

2010 Surprise, AZ / I miss that sci-fi venus de milo shirt. I still have that watch tho


This February 5th, I’m making another time capsule for the year 2035. It’s compact and inspired by my 9 year old self. It contains:
an evil eye bracelet
a box of matches
CBD gummie
mini d20
black jade
things from my wallet
rhinestone art

Before I know it, my 20s and 30s will be part of my inner child, and I’ll look back on this time with the same sense of nostalgia and healing I’m experiencing now. The journey of reconnecting with my inner child is ongoing, and the more I draw upon these memories, the more I learn to honor the person I was and still am.

2017 Seattle, WA / 620 Engineering

1998 Seattle, WA / probably reading Judy Blume, credit dad

2025 Los Angeles, CA / 551 Hygrology


February 5th, 2025


ss: spas 3