Levitating at Docweiler Beach

In the last 30 minutes of sunlight, I held my amethyst in my left and my clear crystal quartz tumble in my right and noticed a unique kind of meditation. At first, I heard others around the beach but it didn’t distract me, I sent thoughts of prayer like “May you be safe and may you have fun.” After a while, I didn’t hear any talking or even the waves, I was without thought. When I realized this, I also noticed the crystals in my hand had no weight, even my body didn’t seem anchored to the ground.

I’ve noticed that my dedicated practice has structured my body to align effortlessly and maybe sitting on a slop or holding these kinds of crystals helped this meditation feel like levitation.

Check out this alien sky! I like how the green cuts in at a sharp angle.


February 9, 2023


New Year Tradition 2024


Amethyst Meditation by a Creek