Eight Years at the Los Angeles Conscious Life Expo

Every February from 2012 to 2020, I worked in the signage department at the Los Angeles Conscious Life Expo. It’s a long weekend packed with spiritual, metaphysical, and healing events from lectures on astral projection, to crystal vendors, and meditation workshops.

As my mom and I ran all the posters for each event, I also ran around the three lobby floors of the LAX Hilton, meeting fascinating, kind, and intuitive people, each with diverse perspectives about tarot, aliens, reiki, you name it.

My mom raised me in this open-minded world and I’m grateful for its influence on my spiritual connection, intelligence, and personal growth.

My mom is head of the signage department and delegated volunteers to display posters for each lecture, workshop, and event. She also took special print requests and addendum updates and I was the on-site graphic designer.

We maintained the space at all hours, running through each hall and behind the scenes, designing wayfinding for guests, speakers, volunteers, and staff, feeling like fairy proprietors of the hotel for the weekend.

During the event, the energy of the space was positively palpable. Here is the main lobby where I rested for a moment, soaking up the qualities of this community. There was a circle of Tibetan shamans to my left and yoga instructors to my right, everyone chatting, exchanging healing hands, and special gifts.

All of the sudden, a couple of guys with digeridoos strike a resounding call from the top of the stairs. The warping sounds ricocheted off the marble finishes, commanding the entire space, and stunning my heart. We all tuned in to the moment, held our hearts in our hands, and our minds to the present. These musicians directed their instruments to an open receiver and I sat across, equally blessed by this unforgettable magical moment.

There were over 200 vendors with treasures from herbal tinctures and singing bowls to services in palm reading, reflexology, and life coaching. There was also an opportunity to get your aura photo taken. Here is a mine from 2012. Many people wore theirs as a badge, each with an array of vivid colors that displayed an engaging expression of their personality. I took a photo for three years in a row and my colors were often in the cooler tones, green, dark blue, and purple. They say this reflects the strongest chakras, green is someone who loves themselves, others, and nature, blue is about translation, expression, and leadership, and purple is a spiritual connection to their higher self and angles.

Events in meditation, yoga and awakening our inner selves influence my practice today. Participating at the Conscious Life Expo and learning about self-love from multiple perspectives is what anchored my faith and began my ritual in mirror meditation.

For 15 minutes I gaze into my eyes, listen to my breath, and open my heart. This helps me feel connected to the present, understand my identity, and discover subtle messages about the greatest version of myself.

Happy New Year’s and cheers to personal growth.


December 31, 2022


Nine Classes at The Mindry

