
Originating from the Indian culture, Chakras are energy centers that regulate our energetic, emotional, psychological, and physical systems. The name translates to spinning wheels or gears of light to align our body and bring itself into balance.

Before modern science and terminology, ancient Indian culture categorized the body into seven main Chakras from the base of the spine to the top of the head. Earth’s energy flows from the top to the bottom and loops back up but we name the bottom Root Chakra as the 1st.


Each Chakra below charts:
Indian Names: Dating back to 1500 BC
Mantras: Ancient Indian chant, seed, or sound

Glands: The Endocrine system regulates our glands and hormones for essential functions. These glands are attuned to certain frequencies and flow.

Frequencies: Episoidal wavelengths measured in Hz that evoke properties to brings healing.
Notes: As it sounds in music

Affirmations: A simple phrase to focus the attention
Aspirations: A personal goal

Mudras: Hand positions during meditation
Yoga Positions: Click on the image to read more


To get the most within our bodies and mind, learning about these energy wheels can bring a profound sense of emotional and psychological understanding, self-acceptance, and self-love.

Root Chakra

Indian Name: Muladhara
Mantra: Lam

Glands: Adrenals

Frequency: 396 Hz
Note: C

Affirmations: I am
Aspiration: Grounded

Sacral Chakra

Indian Name: Suadhishthana
Mantra: Vam

Glands: Gonads

Frequency: 417 Hz
Note: D

Affirmations: I feel
Aspiration: Open

Solar Plexus

Indian Name: Manipura
Mantra: Ram

Glands: Pancreas

Frequency: 528 Hz
Note: E

Affirmations: I do
Aspiration: Confident

Heart Chakra

Indian Name: Anahata
Mantra: Yam

Glands: Thymus

Frequency: 639 Hz
Note: F#

Affirmations: I love
Aspiration: Compassionate

Throat Chakra

Indian Name: Vishuddha
Mantra: Ham

Glands: Thyroid

Frequency: 741 Hz
Note: G

Affirmations: I speak
Aspiration: Expressive

Third Eye Chakra

Indian Name: Ajna
Mantra: Sham

Glands: Pineal

Frequency: 852 Hz
Note: A

Affirmations: I see
Aspiration: Intuitive

Crown Chakra

Indian Name: Sahasara
Mantra: Om

Glands: Pituitary

Frequency: 963 Hz
Note: B

I understand
Aspiration: Connected


December 13, 2022


Eight Years at the Los Angeles Conscious Life Expo


Orcutt Ranch