Hall of Healing

In previous years at the Los Angeles Conscious Life Expo, from 2012 - 2020, I wrote about my experience as the on-site graphic designer. I’m returning to the signage department this year and wanted to share different wellness modalities in the Hall of Healing. This section is full of experts in quantum, acoustical, and technological healing, and in this introductory post, I'm going to share what I can glean from their online explanations to be prepared for their healing experiences.

These technologies benefit from a foundation of meditation, being present, paying attention to your breath, and opening your mind. If you have a lot going on, daily stress, past traumas, and physical pain, it helps to get familiar with your meditation practice so that your mind and body are present and prepared. I grew up in quantum vocabulary and I find that a lot of the time, these kinds of experiences are difficult to articulate so it's helpful to tie in things that we may be familiar with such as substances or being in new environments. 

If you're familiar with mind-altering substances such as MDMA, DMT, THC, or LSD, then you are aware of other places your mind and body can experience. You might also remember how you felt about your relationship with nature, other people, your mind, body, and vision. These substances have a certain intense experience for a certain amount of time and they can relieve pain, awaken your pineal gland, and bring you beyond the present reality. The techniques in the Hall of Healing are like baby-step versions in a more subtle, gentle, and long-lasting way. 

Healing techniques in new environments can also have mind-altering effects. Putting yourself in a lightproof and soundproof space such as float therapy can allow you to let go of distractions, and drop into the theta brain state, while your mind itself produces serotonin, dopamine, oxytocin, and endorphins to activate healing systems. 

In therapy sessions such as reiki or deep meditation practices, you can become aware of how energy moves through us, by us, and around us. If you've gone to a sound bath, drum circle, or wave therapy, you can feel this energy and visualize it in wave form. By relaxing your body, receiving positive energy, and observing anything and everything, you realize how energy plays a part in wellness. 

The six rooms in the Hall of Healing offer a condensed version that synthesizes the essence of these mind-altering substances and therapies to provide more options for you. 

The first room on the list is the Tesla BioCharger, this is by the Sedona Quantum Consciousness and they focus on the combination of breathing, meditation, and a tesla coil device called a BioCharger. This meditation is structured like a bonfire but around a strong energy source, stronger than red light therapy. This biocharging device has a fielding effect that includes a tesla coil surrounded by noble gasses and pulsates different frequencies for different areas of focus. Some of the meditations can be based on mental health, physical health, or sleep. 

The second room is the Monroe Institute Meditation Station, this is a room that provides free guided meditations for 20-30 minute increments and is based on the meditation app called "expand". This guided meditation focuses on imagery and utilizes Monroe sound science to create sound wave patterns that are designed for deep relaxation, inner peace, and mental clarity. 

The third room is the Energy Enhancement Systems Technology (EE System Technology) this technology has screens for a meditation space and it is designed to enhance bioactive energy fields with scalar waves. These help with cellular regeneration, pain relief, detoxification, improving the immune system, elevating mood, and balancing the left and right brain hemispheres. In a video testimonial, they shared how they were feeling during and after the session and they shared how it is comparable to mind-altering substances like Ayahuasca. It's pretty fascinating that with an open mind and simply lying on the floor, you can receive such a natural high.

The fourth one is Quantum Harmonix, also known as the Acoustic Healing or Sound Therapy room, designed for sound meditation and healing. Each session aims for effortless relaxation, and expansion of creativity, and improves sleep while reducing physical, mental, and emotional stress. Acoustic artists, Torkom Ji and Robot Koch create live, layered, real-time compositions that include white and pink noise, a full range of frequencies, and exploring acoustical phenomena. This room might be a good one to try if you're new to advanced meditation and technology therapies because it's the least amount of effort in a space full of soothing sounds.

The fifth one is the Chrystalis Journey with the Omega Selenite Seraphin Skull, also known as the Crystal Skull room. This one is designed with meditation and quantum healing that is amplified by ancient Moroccan selenite. There are several different kinds of sessions to explore with this kind of meditation crystal: You can learn to shield yourself from unwanted energy to balance your inner light. There is one for cellular restoration with UV rays from the crystals. There is a shamanic meditation journey that visualizes diamond light creatures guiding you. And a wind-down meditation calling forth archangels for relaxation, harmonization, and pure energy integration. 

The final room in the Hall of Healing is called the Electrodermal Screening room. This is a one-on-one quantum healing session that infuses a Rasha energy device that screens your biophoton and energy flow. This technique can enhance your nervous system, relieve stress, transmute negative habitual patterns, support relaxation, cellular detoxification, and healing from electro-smog and geopathic stress.

Sometimes the words described about the technology might not connect with you but entering the room might vibe with you. If any of this sounds intriguing, I encourage you to check it out. There are also opportunities to meet the inventors, therapists, and guides who are happy to answer any questions. 

Here is a map of the Mezzanine or second floor where I’ve highlighted the Hall of Healing rooms in blue.

The Los Angeles Conscious Life Expo at the LAX Hilton is a full weekend event with 15,000 people meandering through a particular space. If you're brand new and you want to check out the Hall of Healing, grab a day pass, head to the second floor, and see where the journey takes you.

Before you arrive, I recommend a moment in your car, put a 5-minute timer on your phone, and sit in meditation. Take deep and gentle breaths, let go of worries, and let your mind and body know that you're going to try something new. This is a safe place to find the words to express your healing or even without words, just lay in a sound bath, sharing your frequency with the loving energy around you.


February 3, 2024


2024 Conscious Life Expo (1 of 3)


Prayer Beads