Red Light Therapy

Cellular regeneration, hair growth, anti-aging, anti-depressant, and muscle recovery, all from a colored light, how beautifully simple.

I started red light therapy at my gym about 6 months ago and I’ve had periods of going from once in a while to daily with generally the same results. The sessions were about 10 minutes and I used that time to be still, breathe, and then have a little dance party. Afterward, I would feel emotionally refreshed, energized, and clear-headed, it felt like a sun lamp times a thousand.

When I lived in Seattle, I used this little sun lamp for S.A.D. (seasonal effectiveness disorder) during the winter. I remember I would spend my mornings in front of the lamp, sipping my teacup of coffee and watching my snails. I found that it helped alleviate the panic of getting ready.

Now in Los Angeles, I’ve come across more research on the benefits of light therapy. With reference to this book, “The Ultimate Guide to Red Light Therapy” this video is a really great introduction to the many aspects of red light. The book was published in 2018 and explains several scientific studies about the kinds of healing qualities to expect. And if you’re interested, it also goes into great detail about the technology and physics behind red light lamps.

Going into the booths is somewhat jarring so I covered my goggles with seven layers of gaffer tape to not see so much red even with my eyes closed. The experience is not heated or for tanning and I feel the endorphins like from sitting in the sun but without the UV damage. 

When I workout regularly, I hardly get sore, and when I go to the gym, I go to red light therapy so they only enhance each other. My skin saw some improvement as well, below I have a before and after of some of the decrease in hyperpigmentation that I noticed.

I went into Red Light Therapy with an open mind and I think it's a great additive to a workout and general wellness. Try it this winter and you might get more out of it than you expected.


December 14, 2022


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