Orcutt Ranch

This was the view for my 30 minute meditation.

I sat on a rock with a view, and with my eyes closed, I imagined I was an orange tree.

With my roots, I absorbed nutrients and sugars from the saturated soil.

Its energy ran up and into my hands where I produced fresh oranges that were vibrant, juicy, and pungent with power.

From my face, I downloaded the sun’s wavy rays, red and blue, like the chlorophyll of a leaf.

Behind me, I heard the bursts of passing traffic that I was once in. Its presence reminded me of the spontaneity life has brought.

A bird fluttered in nearby branches and awoke an orange aromatic that drifted on a breeze like a stream of consciousness. 

I felt grateful for the gift of nature, the health of its spirit, its nourishing food, and its warmth comforting our Earth.

How whimsical an orchard feels, the bright spheres style the canopy like festive ornaments.

A Cali symbol of prosperity, fertility, and abundance.


February 2, 2023


Topanga Rocks


Beach Meditation