A Weekend at Malibu Beach

Walking around the Malibu State Lagoon, I found a log bench to rest and notice what was around me.

Cute ducks flock in threes, land in the water, and circle about.

The wind passed softly through the walking paths, amongst the trees, and bobbled tiny flower heads in the bushes.

The lagoon is home to this little bunny, such a sweetheart and so kind to us giant humans.

The bushes that shape the back of the bench are budding with little pink flowers and a gentle bumble bee is busy minding his business.

A sheet of clouds stretches across the sky and filters the bright sun’s rays.

A lizard darts on the gravel under the pink flowers and I lock onto him, holding still to see how long he trusts to be near me.

This lizard, sharing this lagoon with the ducks, bunnies, and bees, has his own way of living in this ecosystem.

He takes pauses, watches, observes, and calculates.

His mind is on the hunt, to hide, protect, and defend.

He listens for minuscule sounds and watches for subtle movements.

As the moment turns to trust, I begin to include deep breaths and relax my shoulders, welcoming this lizard into my meditative space.

Each exhale grows longer than each inhale, softening my muscles and slowing my heart rate.

10 minutes with this lizard brings my detailed focus to his scales, colors, and fingers while also expanding my peripheral attention, noticing the landscape layout, passing birds, and the distant skyline.

The next day started at Malibu Beach with birds flying over the ocean, through the wind, and under wispy clouds.

A calming meditation, connecting with the serene environment, slowing my breath, and connecting with my body.

A break from the waves to zoom in on the details of this boulder, feeling its intricate textures and hieroglyphics etched from the sand.

An abandoned beach house project that would be cool to venture about but perhaps another time.

The next day is at the same beach but the tides blocked access to the building.

I found a spot to lay out my mat and meditate with the incoming splashing and dashing of waves on the boulders.

Today’s sky was crystal clear and pleasant as I pay a moment of gratitude to myself for coming prepared with an outfit to protect me.

My photographs of mundane moments turn into precious reminders of happiness.

Even details of my lounge chair,

as I prepare for the day’s lecture on Guided Visualization.

Thank you, Malibu Beach, thank you for your opportunities to explore, relax, unwind, and recharge.


February 5, 2023


Beach Meditation


Sea Snails