Sensing Reiki as a Master Healer

Begin in a seated position.

notice where your breath is at right now,
start to bring ease to your shoulders,
and extend your inhales through your stomach.

Ground your energy at your base.
and elongate your spine,
anchored in the shoulders,
and continued through the top of your head.

Begin to notice your natural rhythm, your breath, and subtle movement
and adjust anything you need to get comfortable.
be open to sensing reiki energy or the universal life force.

start at a focal point.
notice your breath and bring your awareness to your right nostril

Breathe in

and out

notice how it’s a bit different than normal breathing.
continue breathing through both nostrils,
relaxing the shoulders.
then move your awareness to your left nostril.

Sensing breath is like sensing reiki

energy can come in many forms, waves, and sensations
breathing through your nostril is the sensation of wind, temperature, movement, contraction, and expansion

We’re also breathing in our energy
and breathing out our energy
We can try to imagine this as a light, color, haze, or an invisible quality of comfort

Now we are going to bring our awareness to the space between our eyebrows.
when we bring our concentration to this spot, it also turns into a physical sensation

For me, I sense throbbing, pressure, and a fluttering softness.
when I bring my awareness to this point,
my body remembers to relax.
I breathe down my shoulders,
extend my inhales in my stomach,
and release any held tension.

Sensing reiki done is on your own time,
in your own space,
and through your own awareness.

You’re welcome to bring this perception into your meditation and daily life.
Soon you’ll notice that it’s a beautiful life force
that is all around you.


February 15, 2023


The Secret to Record-Breaking may be in the Float Tank


Mental Sanctuary