Reiki Attunement

I’ve been gradually learning about Reiki healing. I’ve read books, watched videos, and felt its effects from different Reiki Practitioners. I found it beneficial for my mind and body as well as calming my environment. I decided it would be a good investment to study Reiki deeper and become a practitioner myself. My Mom has been a Level I practitioner for over ten years but she says she would need a refresher to practice, even so, she’s very supportive.

Reiki is the practice of healing on an energetic level. There’s energy all around us, some cultures call it Chi, life force, or vibe. To become a Reiki practitioner, there are three levels and then a Master's certification. Part of the initiation process is to become attuned to Reiki energy. This is done by a Reiki Master and since energy work can be done at a distance, attunement can be in person or without contact.

I had my distant attunement session this evening. I expected to have a peaceful meditation session with the awareness that someone was meditating with me but was pleasantly surprised by what I experienced.

I had just come home from an evening at the Mindry. I took classes in Mindfulness Meditation, Power Yoga, Yoga Nidra, and Yin Yoga. I made soup for dinner and then worked on research about blood pressure. When my timer went off at 10:19 pm, I stuffed my pockets with crystals (rose quartz, amethyst, and selenite), a sage leaf, a lighter, and my water bottle, and headed out to my car to focus on my attunement.

In my car, I lit the sage leaf and watched it burn as I allowed the aroma to fill the space. I sat there with a calm mind as I watched the leaf transform into wisps of smoke. With the leaf in one hand and the lighter in the other, I began to fall into a deep meditation. I didn't even have the energy to set them aside and hold my crystals as I had intended. I was so transfixed in the experience and felt pretty happy that I could feel it working.

It was raining pretty heavily which drowned out any traffic or neighborly noises and created a sacred space to meditate. I lowered my head, closed my eyes, and opened my awareness. I noticed my third eye “open” which to me feels like a tingling pressure between my eyebrows.

The world sort of closed off and my mind felt spacious. Some fresh memories passed through my mind like previous conversations and parts of the Mindry classes.

I remembered a meditation practice from the book Your Aruras and Your Chakras: An Owner’s Manual. When meditating, visualize melted gold flowing over you and cleansing your energy. Remembering that imagery during the attunement was a wonderful opportunity to practice cleaning my energy with the energy of a Reiki Master.

No negative thoughts passed my mind, no worries, no expectations, and I wasn’t planning to do anything after. I was paying attention to the fuzzy energy around me. I felt the energy more than I saw it but there were glimpses of soft white light around me about 18 in out.

The Reiki also calmed my nerves. For the past couple of years, I've been experiencing moderate to severe restless body syndrome. When I start to lay down for bed or during meditation, wild energy makes my body twitch uncontrollably. Since I've been doing my spa research in hydrotherapy, yoga, and meditation, it has decreased significantly, resulting in much better sleep. During the attunement, I noticed a small ball of energy started to bounce between my shoulder blades but then it dissipated out of me. I didn't feel the urge to twitch which calmed me immensely as I remembered what it felt like to live in a calm body. I remember this feeling from craniosacral therapy and realized Reiki really does help me.

I had some instances of feeling creative and reassurance that I was on the right path. I felt supported to pursue energy work and I felt really happy that I was being myself fully, exploring my skills, interests, and potential.

It felt like an hour had gone by but I felt the strong energy retreat and opened my eyes at 11:00 pm. I sat there, relit the sage, and watched it again to bookmark this memory. I slowly came out of it, sitting quietly, noticing my environment, and listening to the rain. I enjoyed feeling my hands, they felt light, soft, and feathery. I didn’t practice Reiki energy work with my hands as I’d researched before, I wanted to embody this energy as I am.

This Reiki attunement felt like a pearl of ancient wisdom was passed down to me, I’m glad I started this journey.


January 9, 2023


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