Tour at Soak Float Center
Soak Float Center in Salem, Oregon sits amongst a quiet, residential neighborhood. You wouldn't expect a state-of-the-art float center here but after hearing from reviews, clients happily drive across town to have their float here.
The decor is pacific northwest centered with a small retail selection of long and short sleeves shirts.
I interviewed the float facilitator, Tiffany, who told me about the owner’s story which was also featured in the StatesmanJournal. The owner was in a motorcycle accident and experienced difficulty sleeping. After trying many techniques, he stumbled upon a float and finally recuperated with a restful night. He decided to open his own float center and since then, has helped thousands of members on their healing journey.
Some clients have shared their tips and tricks to gain certain benefits from floating. One client shared with Tiffany that the Epsom salt in the tanks pulls heavy metals out of the body. To achieve this, she recommends a detox twice a year of floating for three days in a row. If you’re pressed for time, a shorter float commitment like this might work great for you.
Tiffany shared that most of the clientele at Soak float to help with mental health and chronic pain but some also visit just for their self-care days. She’s seen many regular members and first-time floaters visit Soak and shared that it brings her joy to see everyone come out feeling relaxed and uplifted.
August 5, 2022