2024 Conscious Life Expo (1 of 3)


The staff at the Los Angeles Conscious Life Expo are my family. They're open-minded and wonderful people. When we work together, it’s more than just work. For a solid week, we check in on each other, help when we're panicking, and support when we’re crying. For over ten years, we’ve laughed together, learned about life together, and supported each other as we blossom into our true, creative selves. 

As we improve as a team, we improve the success of the Expo, aiming to facilitate an efficient, excellent, and memorable experience for thousands of people.

The Signage Department designed, printed, and coordinated posters for every event, exhibit, and direction throughout the three lobby floors of the LAX Hilton. I designed and printed the posters and my team wrapped and coordinated deliveries to the corresponding 4 lecture rooms, 6 Hall of Healing rooms, and several rooms for workshops, panels, and events in dispersed spaces. We also made directional posters for spaces dedicated to yoga, massage, VIPs, exhibitors, and Volunteer, Media, and Speaker Check-in. 


February 5th - 9th, 2024


Charming Eucalyptus


Forks Regional Airport