Nine Classes at The Mindry

More than a yoga studio, the Mindry hosts classes in Breathwork, Somatic Awareness Meditation, and Restorative Soundbaths. I’ve outlined a sample of each class type so can you see what it’s like and later I’ll dive deeper into each healing modality with its variations, traditions, and therapeutic benefits.

Class is a loose term at the Mindry, like in yoga, we are guided through movements with explanations of the pose, reminding us to breathe, and experience an energetic presence. Instructors often share words of wisdom that open our minds to help develop awareness. Classes in Soundbaths, Somatic Awareness, and Yoga Nidra require little effort and are more like group healing sessions.

Some of these classes also include Reiki healing. There are three levels to Reiki and a master’s certification. If a course includes Reiki, it means that the instructor is at least a level II practitioner and is healing the class on an energetic level.

Somatic Awareness Meditation

Somatic means relating to the body so Somatic Awareness Meditation is a guided meditation about learning the language of the body. This meditation starts with a moment of stillness, breath, and a guided awareness to relax each part of the body which is called a body scan. Then the instructor reminds us of breath, self-love, self-understanding, and living the life that we are. After a while, I forgot I was in a room with other people, I was simply listening to the flow of words and feeling very much at peace.

Candlelight Yin Yoga

Yin Yoga is a gentle yoga practice that is intentionally slow to open space for your joints, muscles, and habitually collapsed areas of the body. Most of the practice is on the mat with emphasis on the use of blocks, blankets, and bolsters to not hold the pose but let gravity bring more release with each exhale. Each pose is over 90 seconds for an opportunity to be with ourselves, bring circulation, and recalibrate our body to a slower pace.


There is so much power in the breath. A breathwork class not only studies the subtleties of each breath but awakens its potential. While laying down, the instructor guides you to trust where the breath takes you. This is a practice in opening the chest, expanding your lung capacity horizontally, and flooding your body with oxygen. With so much oxygen, new things occur within the body from numbing, divine exhilaration, and out-of-body sensations. It’s also designed to unlock the subconscious, releasing suppressed feelings, messages, and wisdom.

Restorative Soundbath

The Soundbath classes seem to be the most popular at the Mindry. All you have to do is lay, recline, or sit, and let the sounds take you on a relaxing journey. You’ll hear crystal singing bowls, chimes, flutes, chants, and sometimes snores from ultra-relaxed individuals. There is also a guided meditation to cleanse the energetic body, encouraging you to imagine loving light surrounding you. When you release tense muscles and listen to the layers of sounds, this puts you in a theta-brain state which gives time for your mind and body to heal on their own and leave you feeling emotionally stable.

Power & Strength Yoga

Power & Strength Yoga at the Mindry combines traditional yoga practices with spiritual awareness. It starts with a meditation about allowing your current feelings to exist and then releasing the control to compartmentalize them so you can focus on your energy. Your breath, consciousness, and vital energy are always working together and building a life of trust. The depth of each pose and the flow of each breath help wring out old energy and get a good sweat for a natural detox.

Yoga Nidra Meditation

Yoga Nidra is the most beginner-friendly class. There is a bit of movement at the beginning called progressive muscle relaxation where you tense certain areas of the body and then drop them to rest. I really felt like I was letting go of physical, mental, and emotional stresses with this technique. Yoga Nidra includes a Sancolpa or touchstone reminder that sets a personal intention to better yourself from limiting to liberating beliefs.


Hypno-Reiki is a guided meditation intended to tune into the body’s own healing capabilities. After letting go of troubling thoughts, the instructor walks you through visualizations of healing light. In this lucid dream state, our own energy circuits release negative energy. With the guidance of a Master Reiki Healer, I was encouraged to imagine myself looking in a mirror reflection of the best version of myself and feel what it would be like to embody her.

Crystal Meditation

A Crystal Meditation is a guided meditation based on crystal properties. The frequencies of different crystals match areas of the body and its chakra centers. The instructor taught us to cleanse our crystals, feel each crystal’s energy, and open us to channel the flowing energy that is all around us. This activates our own bodies’ capabilities to heal. Crystal Meditation is good for grounding yourself, cleansing your surrounding energy, and manifesting healthy circulation in your energetic body.

Mindfulness Meditation

Meditation in Mindfulness is the philosophy of meeting ourselves exactly where we are. No visualization, affirmations, or labels. The instructor guides us to let go of control and see what happens when we give ourselves permission to simply be who we are. Attention is drawn to notice the subtle sensations of the breath and how the contrast of the cool air being inhaled is generated into heat from our living body.


January 2, 2023


Rock Paradise


Palm Contemplation